North Carolina Ovarian Cancer Study: Identification of Controls

This study involving researchers at the University of North Carolina and Duke University was designed to examine molecular alterations in ovarian cancers in relation to epidemiological risk factors, age at diagnosis, and tumor characteristics. The SRU's role in this study was to identify 772 population-based, 20-64 year old case-controls in a 48-county region in North Carolina using random-digit dialing (RDD). Potential controls were recruited over a three and a half year period that ended in July 2003.
Principal Investigator: JoEllen Schildkraut, PhD
Duke University Medical Center
Other Investigators: Andrew Berchuck, MD
Andrew Futreal, PhD
SRU Investigators: William D. Kalsbeek, PhD
Ashley Bowers, MS
Source: Cancer Institute and the Department of Defense
Dates: September 1998-August 2002
