Statistical Significance and the Dichotomization of Evidence: The Relevance of the for Statisticians.

TitleStatistical Significance and the Dichotomization of Evidence: The Relevance of the for Statisticians.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLaber, Eric B., and Kerby Shedden
JournalJ Am Stat Assoc
Date Published2017
Alternate JournalJ Am Stat Assoc
Original PublicationStatistical significance and the dichotomization of evidence: The relevance of the ASA statement on statistical significance and p-values for Statisticians.
PubMed ID29348701
PubMed Central IDPMC5769160
Grant ListP01 CA142538 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
DMS-1555141 / / National Science Foundation / International
DMS-1557733 / / National Science Foundation / International
DMS-1513579 / / National Science Foundation / International
DMS-1317631 / / National Science Foundation / International