Fitting Cox Models with Doubly Censored Data Using Spline-Based Sieve Marginal Likelihood.

TitleFitting Cox Models with Doubly Censored Data Using Spline-Based Sieve Marginal Likelihood.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsLi, Zhiguo, and Kouros Owzar
JournalScand Stat Theory Appl
Date Published2016 Jun

In some applications, the failure time of interest is the time from an originating event to a failure event, while both event times are interval censored. We propose fitting Cox proportional hazards models to this type of data using a spline-based sieve maximum marginal likelihood, where the time to the originating event is integrated out in the empirical likelihood function of the failure time of interest. This greatly reduces the complexity of the objective function compared with the fully semiparametric likelihood. The dependence of the time of interest on time to the originating event is induced by including the latter as a covariate in the proportional hazards model for the failure time of interest. The use of splines results in a higher rate of convergence of the estimator of the baseline hazard function compared with the usual nonparametric estimator. The computation of the estimator is facilitated by a multiple imputation approach. Asymptotic theory is established and a simulation study is conducted to assess its finite sample performance. It is also applied to analyzing a real data set on AIDS incubation time.

Alternate JournalScand Stat Theory Appl
Original PublicationFitting Cox models with doubly censored data using spline-based sieve marginal likelihood.
PubMed ID27239090
PubMed Central IDPMC4879632
Grant ListP01 CA142538 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States