
'.$lf; print ' '.$lf; print ' '.$lf; print ' '.$lf; print ' '.$lf; print '
'.$lf; print ''.$lf; print '
'.$lf; if (is_file('sites/default/files/protectmap.csv')) { if ($fptr=fopen('http://www2.cscc.unc.edu/protect/sites/default/files/protectmap.csv','r')) { $row = 1; while (($data = fgetcsv($fptr, 10000, ",")) !== FALSE) { $city=$data[2]; $x1=$data[8]; $y1=$data[9]; $code=$data[10]; if ( (strlen($city)>0) and ($city!='City') ) { print ' '.$lf; $row++; } } fclose($fptr); } print '
'.$lf; print ''.$lf; print $lf; print ''.$lf; if ($fptr=fopen('http://www2.cscc.unc.edu/protect/sites/default/files/protectmap.csv','r')) { $row = 1; while (($data = fgetcsv($fptr, 10000, ",")) !== FALSE) { $site=$data[0]; $site=str_replace ( "&", "&", $site ); $site=str_replace ( "'", "'", $site ); $website=$data[1]; $city=$data[2]; $state=$data[3]; $country=$data[4]; $contact=$data[5]; $email=$data[6]; $phone=$data[7]; $x1=(int)$data[8]; $y1=(int)$data[9]; $code=$data[10]; $photo=$data[11]; $x2=$x1+12; $y2=$y1+12; if ( (strlen($city)>0) and ($city!='City') ) { print '
".$city; if (strlen($state) > 0) { print ", ".$state; } else { if (strlen($country) > 0) print ", ".$country; } print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; if (strlen($email) > 0) print '
'; if (strlen($phone) > 0) print '
'; if (strlen($website) > 0) { print '
Click to visit
'; print '

'; } else { print '
Click to view personnel
'; print '

'; } print '
'; print "');MM_showHideLayers('".$code."','','show')"; print '" onMouseOut="MM_showHideLayers('; print "'".$code."','','hide')"; print '">'.$lf; $row++; } } fclose($fptr); } print ''.$lf; } else { print 'In order for the contacts to appear and the links to be activated
'.$lf; print 'the system will need the tab delimited text file named protectmap.csv
'.$lf; print '
'.$lf; } print '
'.$lf; //print '
'.$lf; print '
'.$lf; print 'Moving the pointer over a dotted city should display the contact information for the participating institutions.

Selecting a dotted city should direct the browser to the associated website.

Select here for a Google Map.
'.$lf; print '
'.$lf; ?>