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Web Article
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Tang, Zheng-Zheng, Paul Bunn, Ran Tao, Z Liu, and Dan-Yu Lin. PreMeta: Facilitates the Exchange of Information Between Software Packages for Meta-Analysis (C++)., 2017.
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Gao, Fei, Donglin Zeng, and Dan-Yu Lin. PICAFT: Semiparametric Estimation of the Accelerated Failure Time Model With Partly Interval-Censored Data (R)., 2017.
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Wang, Xiaofei, Junling Ma, Stephen L. George, and Haibo Zhou. odsroc: Nonparametric estimation of AUC and partial AUC under test-result-dependent sampling (R).., 2012.
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Holloway, Shannon T., Qingning Zhou, Jianwen Cai, and Haibo Zhou. ICODS: Data Analysis for ODS and Case-Cohort Designs with Interval-Censoring (R). 1.0 ed., 2019.
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Cao, Hongyuan, Michael R. Kosorok, and Shannon T. Holloway. highTtest: Simultaneous critical values for t-tests in very high dimensions (R).. 1.0 ed., 2014.
Bondell, Howard D., Jung-Ying Tzeng, Megan L. Koehler, and Shannon T. Holloway. Haplo.CasGLM: Haplotype specific simultaneous factor selection and collapsing levels in GLM (R).. 3rd ed., 2013.
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Diao, Guoqing. GHREG: Semiparametric general hazards rate model for right-censored data (C).., 2013.
Ha, Min Jin, and Shannon T. Holloway. GGMridge: Gaussian graphical models using ridge penalty followed by thresholding and reestimation (R).. 1.0 ed., 2016.
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Ibrahim, Joseph G., Hongtu Zhu, Ramon I. Garcia, and Ruixin Guo. Fixed and random effects selection in mixed effects toolkit (R).., 2011.
Psioda, Matthew, and Joseph G. Ibrahim. fitRE: Bayesian superiority design for gamma frailty recurrent events model (SAS).., 2016.
Jiang, Yu, Yujun Han, Slavé Petrovski, Kouros Owzar, David B. Goldstein, and Andrew S. Allen. fitDNM: Test of de novo enrichment that incorporates functional information (R).. 1.0 ed., 2015.
Marceau, Rachel, Wenbin Lu, Michèle M. Sale, Bradford B. Worrall, Stephen R. Williams, Fang-Chi Hsu, Jung-Ying Tzeng, and Shannon T. Holloway. FastKM: A fast multiple-kernel method based on a low-rank approximation (R).. 1.0 ed., 2015.
Lin, Jiaxing, Alexander Sibley, Ivo D. Shterev, and Kouros Owzar. fastJT: Efficient Jonckheere-Terpstra Test Statistics for Robust Machine Learning and Genome-Wide Association Studies (R). 1.0.4 ed., 2017.
Holloway, Shannon T., Eric B. Laber, Kristin A. Linn, Baqun Zhang, Marie Davidian, and Anastasios A. Tsiatis. DynTxRegime: A comprehensive package for analysis of dynamic treatment regimes (R).. v3.1 ed., 2017.
Holloway, Shannon, and Hunyong Cho. dtrSurv: Dynamic Treatment Regimes for Survival Analysis (R). 1.1 ed., 2020.
Liu, Ying, Yuanjia Wang, and Donglin Zeng. DTRlearn: Learning Algorithms for Dynamic Treatment Regimes (R). 1.3 ed., 2018.
Line, Danyu, Donglin Zeng, and Shannon T. Holloway. DOVE: Durability of Vaccine Efficacy. v1.2 ed., 2021.
Tsiatis, Anastasios A., Marie Davidian, Weihua Cao, and Shannon T. Holloway. doublyRobust: Doubly robust estimation for monotonely coarsened data in longitudinal studies with dropout and/or incomplete data (R).. 2nd ed., 2013.
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Bayar, Mohamed, Anastasia Ivanova, and Gwenael Le Teuff. CRM2DIM: Dual-Agent Bayesian Continual Reassessment Method (SAS). 1.0 ed., 2019.
Cornea, Emil, Bahjat Qaqish, and Joseph G. Ibrahim. CR: Power calculation for weighted log-rank tests in cure rate models (R).., 2012.
Brucker, Amanda, Shannon T. Holloway, and Jung-Ying Tzeng. CONCUR: Kernel-based association test for copy number variation (CNV) aggregate analysis (R)., 2020.
Jiang, Yuchao, and Nancy R. Zhang. CODEX2: Full-spectrum copy number variation detection by high-throughput DNA sequencing. (R)., 2018.
Hu, Yi-Juan, Dan-Yu Lin, Wei Sun, and Donglin Zeng. CNVstat: Statistical association analysis of copy number variants (C).. 1.0 ed., 2012.
Wang, Xuefeng, Mengjie Chen, Xiaoqing Yu, Natapol Pornputtapong, Hao Chen, Nancy R. Zhang, Scott R Powers, and Michael Krauthammer. CLOSE: A toolkit for CNA/LOH analysis with Sequencing data., 2016.
Bondell, Howard D., and Shannon T. Holloway. CasANOVA: Simultaneous factor selection and collapsing levels in ANOVA (R).. R 3.0 ed., 2013.
Diao, Guoqing, Jun Dong, Donglin Zeng, and Joseph G. Ibrahim. BTAD : Biomarker Threshold Adaptive Designs for Survival Endpoints (C++)., 2018.
Ibrahim, Joseph G., Yeongjin Gwon, and Ming-Hui Chen. BSMED: Bayesian survival meta-experimental design using historical data (SAS).. 1.0 ed., 2015.
Psioda, Matthew, and Joseph G. Ibrahim. BPower: Computes two versions of Bayesian power for normal models (SAS).., 2016.
Psioda, Matthew, and Joseph G. Ibrahim. binDesignPP: Bayesian sample size for non-inferiority randomized trials with binary data with power prior (SAS).., 2016.
